'Quick Draw' Latest Product From Google AI
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is an amazing Technology nowadays. Google also so much serious about this matter. Google Ai is a division of Google which has dedicated only for Artificial Intelligence segment. The CEO of Google Sundar Pichai announced it on Google I/O 2017.
After that, this program brings some amazing tools for every people. Today I am going to write about the latest Ai products of Google Ai.
The latest product of Google Ai
The latest product of Google Ai is 'Quick Draw'.
Quick Draw is a handwriting recognization game where the player is prompted to draw an image of a certain category like a dog, cow, calendar etc. The player then has 20 seconds to complete the drawing - if the computer recognizes the drawing correctly within that time, the player earns a point. Each game consists of 6 randomly chosen categories.
Because of the game mechanics, the labels in the Quick, Draw! dataset fall into the following categories:
the user drew the prompted category and the computer only recognized it correctly after the user was done the drawing. if you drew it correctly then the computer will tell you, "Oh I know, it's a dog (prompted category)."
Correct, but incomplete:
If the user drew the prompted category and the computer recognized it correctly before the user had finished. Incompleteness can vary from nearly ready to only a fraction of the category drawn. This is probably fairly common in images that are marked as recognized correctly.
Correct, but not recognized correctly:
The player drew the correct category but the AI never recognized it. Some players react to this by adding more details. Others scribble out and try again.
some players have different concepts in mind when they see a word - e.g. in the category seesaw, we have observed a number of saw drawings.
In conclusion, the labels described above, each drawing is given as a sequence of strokes, where each stroke is a sequence of touch points. While these can easily be rendered as images, using the order and direction of strokes often helps to make handwriting recognizers better.
For playing this game:
It's not a big deal, simply visit this Quick Draw After that, hopefully you will also know what you should do.